When you are looking for information on how to improve your logistics and supply chain, then there are some important blogs that can help you to understand how to manage your supply chain, and to improve its function.
Blogs and social media can be an important part of conducting research for any business, and the supply chain and logistics industry is no different. In order to make sure that you can get good information from your research, it makes sense to look for blogs from the experts, or from people who work in the industry. They can help you to discover more information about supply chain or logistics work, and they can also help you to get more information about the subjects. There are some excellent blogs covering both logistics and the supply chain available online.
Take a look at these logistics blogs
Supply chain matters
Exactly what it says on the tin, this blog is based around the workings of the Ferrari group, as detailed by Bob Ferrari. He has many years of experience working in all aspects of his company supply chain, and also understands the importance of technology which supports logistics. The main focus of his content is supply chain leaders, but small businesses can also learn from the information on his blog. http://www.theferrarigroup.com/supply-chain-matters/
Supply chain insights
Written by a company which offers research and advice to supply chains and logistics, this blog looks at how to get better value from your current supply chain. There is also an online community connected to the blog which can help those looking to share content or exchange ideas. It can supply a number of different benefits to the reader. http://supplychaininsights.com/
Supply chain trend
When you are competing in the field of logistics, a blog such as Supply Chain Trend can help you to focus on business planning, aligning your organisation, and working on business forecasts. It also looks at how to create effective behaviours and mindsets within your company.
Supply chain digital
In keeping with the modern feel of today supply chain, this blog produces new content on a regular basis, with a simple, focused website that is very easy to navigate. The subjects on the blog discuss the issue of international and global supply chains. http://www.supplychaindigital.com/
Supply chain 24/7
The ideal blog if you need a strong business resource, providing you with information on a range of logistics and supply chain topics, including distribution, and transportation as well as modern logistics subjects. There are a broad range of subjects, ranging from local laws which relate to supply chains, and modern changes in supply chain trends. Keeping up-to-date with this blog can help you to navigate your way around the globe, and keep track of changing circumstances in different countries. http://www.supplychain247.com/
Supply chain brain
Want to make your business run more efficiently, and also keep ahead of the crowd? If you want to produce a better logistics strategy, or identify where your best practices could be improved, then Supply Chain Brain is the blog for you. It also has industry specific content, which can help you in case you find that other blogs don’t really cater for your specific needs. It also reaches a much wider audience because it has the capacity to be read in more than 60 languages. Very different from other blogs indeed. http://www.supplychainbrain.com/content/index.php
Supply Chain and Logistics Blog
This is a blog written by a professor, and features a number of blog posts looking at different aspects of the supply chain. For example, his blog on 11 April involved looking at “The Long Term Economic Impact of the Tianjin Port Explosion”. This blog offers supply chain and logistics businesses the opportunity to think differently about how they handle their work, and the challenges that the industry faces. The academic perspective gives the reader data from a number of sources including newspaper articles, government sources, and other important sources of information that can help you to improve your logistics issues. http://www.logisticsbureau.com/blog/
Supply Chain Shaman
A CEO involved in the supply chain industry, Lora Cecere conducts research into supply chains, and her blog focuses on supply chain applications that can help you to drive your industry, and can ensure that you get the best from your technology. Particularly focused upon analytics and the use of technology, this website focuses upon how to meet the needs of digital consumers, meeting supply and demand, and managing your logistics revenue. A typical blog post, “Trying to Figure out New Forms of Analytics”, looks are different ways to view the analytics used in supply chains. http://www.supplychainshaman.com/
Logistically speaking
One of the most informative blogs on the Internet about the logistics role of the supply chain, this is the blog from Transplace. It provides information on the latest supply chain or transportation new stories from around the world, and uses interviews with logistics experts, infographics, and informative articles to give the read information about the issue of logistics in the current workplace. A typical article, such as their blog post from April 19th, “How to improve your Strategic Sourcing Events”, looks at ways in which sourcing can be better managed for greater business success.
The Logistics of Logistics
This is a blog which offers its readers information on almost every aspect of logistics. From air cargo to mobile applications for carriers, the blog covers a wide range of subjects. It is also a good way to learn more about different aspects of the supply chain, which can help to give you ideas about how to grow your own business. The latest blog post, from April 5th, “Are you a Transportation Expert or a Salesman?” points out that it is a better idea to be an expert in your field rather than being perceived just as a seller.
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